Minggu, 22 April 2012

VIVAnews - Ancient catastrophic disaster team that facilitated President of the Special Staff of Social Assistance and Natural Disasters, Andi Arief, asking local governments to prepare Cianjur 150 hectares of land in order to perform an advanced stage of the research area of ​​Gunung Padang megaliths, Cianjur regency, West Java. However, local governments seem unable to provide the land area."From the meeting with the Regents, we are only able to provide an area of ​​50 hectares of land are divided into three zoning Gunung Padang according to their needs," said Head of Culture and Tourism Cianjur, Himam Haris, on VIVAnews, Monday, April 2, 2012.Land that has been released by the Government in accordance Cianjur current zoning is the core zone area of ​​1.5 hectares. While the buffer zone that has been newly released 4.5 hectares. Current government is seeking an additional exemption for the area covering 16 hectares of buffer zones as required.The third zone of the tourist zone will involve the public because it concerns the economy. This zone is still in research stage. With the third zone is expected to earn the public later while participating keeping the existence of the megaliths of Mount Padang. When asked about the amount of budget provided by the local government for land acquisition this Cianjur, Himan not willing to mention it.For the provision of land in accordance with the needs of catastrophic disaster team Purba Cianjur Government continues to coordinate with the Archaeological Protection and Preservation Hall. These institutions which determine the extent of zoning and needs. Based on the recommendation of the agency, local government land acquisition Gunung Padang megalithic area. "So 50 hectares of the local government will prepare Cianjur is very pretty, though the numbers do not correspond degan demand," said Himam.Previous team asked local governments to prepare a land area of ​​150 hectares for the preparation of excavating. Area of ​​land needed to construct the rock slab and saw the construction of Mount Padang. This excavation process will be conducted by a team of archaeologists who will try to see the original shape of the staircase punden allegedly conceived in the bowels of the mountain. Various excavation will be conducted in a broad share point so as to uncover the mystery.From the results of exploration, beginning the team has made a sketch of the megalithic sites Gunung Padang estimate has five open altar with a stone menhir towering peaks that have now collapsed. To ensure that the team still needs further work of excavation.In addition the team also discovered a new form of anomalies which amounts to 13 umpakan umpakan small. To-13 umpakan this leads to the township residents. The team felt this as a new chain of research Gunung Padang. This all makes the team filed a request for up to 150 hectares of land in the Local Government Cianjur. (Sj)

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